Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rogue bamboo...

This was interesting... I cut out a mature Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Midori' from the ground a couple of months ago. Near the site of the original plant, I found a rhizome on top of the soil completely unrooted, sprouting as if it was in the ground. Now its in a pot, but had to snap a photo and share this oddity...

Mad Man Bamboo
(916) 300-6335
Follow us on Twitter (@madmanbamboo)

1 comment:

tabitha said...

One time a friend gave us some digs from his yellow bamboo. We kept it on a tarp as we planted, and when we were done we shook off the earth left on the tarp. There really wasn't much dirt, but in less than two weeks tiny little new shoots had come up there. We left it because it was so friendly and unexpected.

nice to stumble upon you. we're bamboo loving in the Midwest. we grow Incense Bamboo and the aforementioned yellow in 6b.