With hot weather hitting northern California over the past few weeks, new vegetables beg
an cropping up, a squash (neither of us know what variety it is) and a tomato plant (either a big version of a cherry or maybe a Roma). These plants are thriving among the bamboo, the squash plant is even using the bamboo to climb. Since I have been using natural fertilizers, blood meal for nitrogen and bat guano for potassium and phosphorus, the bamboo and its new vegetable neighbors seem very happy, completely neglected and doing great.
Way to go, Sean!!! Our compost bins always end up producing the most interesting veggies we grow...
Hooray for volunteer gardens! I find these plants are much hardier and make very good candidates for seed saving.
Gotta love low-maintenance veggie gardens, Sean. I don't plant one mostly because I don't have the time to fiddle with it, and because we live surrounded by great farmers. Tomatoes and herbs this year, only. But I love that you get unintended gardens, too!
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