Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dragonflies in the garden...

I have been amazed today at the number of Dragonflies perching on my bamboo and flying about.  Some are metallic blue, some are fire red.  They are truly beautiful creatures.

I've always wondered why we have some many in my Rocklin neighborhood.  Turns out that they need to have proximity to lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands for their larvae to flourish.  Turns out that a half a block away from our house is a huge wetland/creek.

Dragonflies are a critical 'friendly' predator in the insect world.  They feed on nuisances such as mosquitoes and flies, among other flying insects.  With the number of mosquitoes we have emerging at dusk, I am happy to have Dragonflies hang out in my back yard.

Mad Man Bamboo
(916) 300-6335
Mad Man Bamboo on Facebook
Twitter: @madmanbamboo


Rocklin Bubba said...

In my native South Florida they are called "Mosquito Hawks"!

Christine said...

I had a similar visitation in Elk Grove Saturday. Glad to hear they are beneficial as well as beautiful!