You know its always a pleasure roaming about my garden as I always seem to find a pleasant surprise. In the deep shade of my backyard, protected from the intense Sacramento area sun, I have a treasure of a bamboo plant, Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue Bamboo'. Named after the late Bill Teague, a horticulturist and plant propagator from the San Diego area, this plant is one of the most beautiful in my book, among all plants.
A 20 foot tall clumping bamboo, it is a good ornamental variety that does best with mostly shade, especially in our normally scorching Sacramento summers.
This is what I stumbled upon today and made my little Bamboo Geek heart go pitter-patter:
Gotta love it, quite beautiful!
Mad Man Bamboo
(916) 300-6335
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Twitter: @madmanbamboo
You have really done a great work to share the hidden art of the great man. It is really a nice work by them. Thanks a lot for this