Monday, January 28, 2008

Bamboo trek: Spring is almost here!

For me, the beginning of spring is signified by my first trip to my wholesaler to get ready for those "green thumbs" and bamboo collectors looking to add more bamboo to the garden. Since clumping bamboo (the mild non-invasive cousin of the running bamboo) is fairly easy to get, the options abound for really any type of landscape idea or need.
This will also help me prepare for my (aka Mad Man Bamboo's) first plant sale of the season at the Shepard Arts and Garden Center at Sacramento's McKinley Park on March 22, by supplementing the stock I grow on site with other varieties not available to me. The sale is put on by the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club and the table rent proceeds and auction help support their good organization.

The date for my bamboo trek is set for a couple of weeks from now and am using my handy-dandy American Bamboo Society Species/Source list (my weathered 2006 list pictured) a must for any "bamboo geek" like myself, to gather my wish list.

For me, this is like a kid in a candy store, and I am sure to come back with more varieties for my customers and a couple here and there for my personal collection.

More posts to come.....

After pretty much shutting down for the winter, this bamboo trek means the season is officially on for me. Spring can't come soon enough, I'm sure you fellow "green thumbs" are with me on that!


  1. What is the fastest growing clumping variety in your experience?

  2. Shirley,

    Two common clumpers (but my favorites) that seem to grow the fastest in my area are Bambusa oldhamii "Giant Clumping Timber Bamboo" and Bambusa multiplex "Alphonse Karr." The Giant Clumping Timber Bamboo really seems to grow well in our 100+ Sacramento summers and is not a bit phased (actually seems to thrive in the heat).

    A more obscure one I planted last summer is Thamnocalamus tesselatus or known as "Bergamboes" which is a drought tolerant clumping bamboo from South Africa. I've noticed that lately, even in the winter, its shoots fairly prolifically, but in a dense clump.

    These three seem to be the fastest in my opinion here in northern California.

