Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A nice Fall bamboo discovery in the garden...

I love this time of year.  Fall is literally right around the corner and temperatures, with some exception, tend to get mild during the day with cooler evenings here in California.  Can't complain about that!

Another reason I love the emergence of Fall is the fact that the new shoots on my clumping bamboo, that started shooting in July, are now starting to mature. Around this time of year, it's not uncommon to find some new 'bamboo' discoveries, piddling around the yard.  Tonight was no exception.

Watering tonight and I stumbled across this beauty.  A new large shoot from my Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue Bamboo'. Hands down my favorite bamboo, with tonight's discovery affirming that.

Here is to a beautiful Fall!

Mad Man Bamboo - Rocklin, CA
(916) 300-6335
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