We have lots of unique bamboo plants for sale. Both non-invasive clumping bamboo and running bamboo. Here is a list of what is available, one, five and fifteen gallon available:
Clumping Bamboo
Bambusa textilis 'Weaver's Bamboo' (15 gallon only)
Bambusa ventricosa 'Buddha's Belly Kimmei' (5 gallon)
Bambusa multiplex 'Hedge Bamboo' - $22 for 5 gallon
Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr' Special - $22 for 5 gallon
Bambusa oldhamii 'Giant Clumping Timber Bamboo' Special - $22 for 5 gallon
Bambusa beeceyana 'Beechey Bamboo'
Yushania Boliana
Borinda Fungosa
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Blue Bamboo'
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue'
Fargesia murileae 'Umbrella Bamboo'
Fargesia rufa 'Sunset Glow'
Fargesia denudata
Thamnocalamus crassinodus
Faregsia nitida 'Fountain Bamboo'
Running Bamboo
Phylostachys glauca
Phylostachys heteroclada 'Water Bamboo'
Phylostachys nigra 'Balck Bamboo'
Phylostachys nigra punctata 'Giant Black Bamboo'
Semiarundaria yashadake
Phylostachys bissetti
Pseudosasa amabalis 'Tonkin Cane Bamboo'
Chimonobambusa tumissidinossa 'Chinese Walking Stick Bamboo' (15 gallon only)
Phylostachys bambusoides 'Castillon'
Phylostachys nigra 'Bory' or 'Leopard Skin Bamboo'
Phylostachys aurea 'Koi'
We have more even beyond this... lots of 1 gallon bamboo to choose from.
Our bamboo garden has been featured in the Sacramento Bee, Placer Herald, Fox40 News, San Francisco Examiner and Good Day Sacramento.
We sell by appointment on the weekends. Call or e-mail (e-mail is better).
Mad Man Bamboo
(916) 300-6335
Follow me on Twitter - @madmanbamboo